How Law Firm Owners Can Decide which Tasks to Delegate in your Law Firm

How Law Firm Owners Can Decide which Tasks to Delegate in your Law Firm

One of the biggest problems we law firm owners face when attempting to delegate tasks is deciding which tasks to delegate first.

We often find ourselves waking up one day completely overwhelmed and not knowing what to do about it. The daily questions from others in the firm, the dealing with systems and administrative tasks often becomes too much.

The first thing to do is to take a deep breath and sit down in a quiet place where you can think. Take a blank piece of paper and draw four quadrants.

You are going to start writing all the tasks you do on a daily basis. You don’t need to get it all done in one sitting. Save this piece of paper near your desk and continue adding to it each day.

Quadrant 1: Tasks I like to do and I’m good at In this quadrant write down all the tasks you do that you both like and enjoy doing.

Quadrant 2: Tasks I like to do, but I’m not good at In this quadrant write down all the tasks you like to do, but you’re not really good at it. Someone else would probably be better served doing them.

Quadrant 3: Tasks I don’t like to do, but I’m good at These are tasks you are good at or have learned to be good at, but you don’t really like doing them. It either takes too much time or energy. You simply do it because you have to get it done to make the wheels of your law firm go around.

Quadrant 4: Tasks I don’t like to do, and I’m not good at For most law firm owners, these are going to be administrative tasks. The super detailed-oriented tasks that you don’t like doing, you’re not great at it, and if you could delegate, you would free up your time and energy for higher value tasks.

Once you have defined your tasks, you want to start delegating Quadrant 4 tasks. These are the ones that drain your energy. By delegating them out, you will free up your time and energy and be able to get your life back!

Download our Ultimate Delegation Guide for Law Firm Owners guide below to get the full system on delegating for lawyers. It helped me go from completely overwhelmed law firm owner to freeing up my time to where I have almost zero responsibilities.

What are the best tasks a law firm should delegate?


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