3 Reasons Why Law Firm Owners Don’t Delegate

Written By Dustin Saiidi

3 Reasons Why Law Firm Owners Don’t Delegate

For law firm owners who want to grow and scale their law firm, one of the most important skills to learn is the art of delegation.

But law firm owners often have to pass by the mental hurdles they face before delegating.

1. Can I trust someone to do this as good as me?

Most law firm owners got to where they are by being good at what they do and building their firm with their own hard work.

And it’s scary for them to pass off important tasks to someone else.

2. Don’t know how to properly delegate

Delegating is a skill that you must train for and practice. Most law firm owners don’t actually realize this is a learnable skill with a system that can be followed and repeated.

3. I have to keep retraining people to do the same task

Many law firm owners don’t properly document their processes or tasks. Instead, they verbally tell their staff what needs to be done and answer their questions on the go. But what happens when that staff member leaves or takes on a new position?

There is no documented systems. And now the law firm owner has to now remember and re-train a new person all over again. Instead of going through the effort, they get frustrated and say “Screw it! I’ll do it myself”

These are all avoidable frustrations that law firm owners face.

Download our Law Firm Delegator Guide below to get the step by step process for properly delegating tasks at your law firm.
The Ultimate Delegation Guide for Law Firm Owners

The Ultimate Delegation Guide for Law Firm Owners

Start Delegating Tasks in your Law Firm (the right way) without your employees making a mistake or having to keep retraining them!